It appears that you don’t have permission to access or purchase this course. First, please make sure you are logged in to your dashboard to access the content of the website. Further, please make sure you have purchased the Introduction course (or Spade membership) before proceeding to purchase (or renew) the Spades, Hearts, Clubs or Diamond suit courses or memberships (as the content is inter-dependent)!
If you have purchased the Integrated cards of truth and astrology membership, you will have access to all the content of the Introduction, Spades, Hearts, Clubs or Diamond suit related courses for 2 years. In this case, you only need to renew the membership once per year to maintain the access to the content. There is no need to renew the individual introduction, spades, hearts, club, diamonds suit related courses. Instead, you may use this link to renew the membership to the Integrated cards of truth and astrology membership.
If you have followed the above procedure and problems still persist, you may contact me directly using this page. Thank you!