Conclusion & advanced – Cards of truth course

In this last part of the Conclusion & advanced – Cards of truth course, I discuss the important points of the spades to diamonds courses and mention some advanced COT techniques which can be utilized for good understanding of the system. This course can be purchased as a standalone course or once you purchase the integrated certification course, this course will be added to your subscription.

Course Instructor

Dr. Ganesh Dr. Ganesh Author

Conclusion and advanced techniques course

$ 99.99
1 year of access

You must first purchase the introduction, spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds courses and logged into the dashboard to purchase this course. 

Renew yearly access to the conclusion course

$ 29.99
1 year of access

You must be logged into the dashboard to renew access to this course. 

Course introduction

Conclusion and learning from the course

Reference books and content to these courses:


Ernst Wilhelm’s astrology courses:

Ernst Wilhelm’s cards of truth courses:

Ernst Wilhelm’s books and audio courses:

Purchase Kala vedic astrology and cards of truth software: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Featured content on other channels playlist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~